Online Braces May NOT Leave You Smiling
Minars Orthodontics

Online Braces May NOT Leave You Smiling

We live in a "microwave" society, where everyone expects things NOW. From Amazon Prime, to fast food, to online shopping, we are all about convenience. In addition to all the products listed before, we are now presented with the concept of "online" braces. Aligners are all the rage now! Without having the need to have braces placed on your teeth, say goodbye to wires, metal in your mouth, or any breakages! You have probably heard companies such as Smile Direct, Byte, and Smilelove that allow you to have your personal orthodontic treatment from home. 

We all love a nice, pearly-white smile. Although it may seem convenient to do it from home, there are some dangers to "online" braces. There are a couple of things to consider from starting orthodontic treatment by yourself or from home. 

Feel free to click on the link below to know what the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) has to say about the dangers of "online" braces.